Friday, November 8, 2019

These Tips Will Help in Writing Synthesis Essays

These Tips Will Help in Writing Synthesis Essays Writing An Interesting Synthesis Essay Writing a desirable synthesis essay might sound tough, but after this guided method to writing one, your perception will totally change. To understand it, you should define what synthesis is. To synthesize means to gather several elements and create something new. You must have heard about the relationship between thesis, antithesis, and synthesis by now, if not then it okay. This means that for every point raised, there is a counterpoint. There is a combination of both results in the synthesis of a new point, where both aspects are reconfigured together to give out a new suggestion. A synthesis essay entails assimilation of different elements that agree or contradict to give out a single perspective when synchrony is applied. Synthesis Essay Definition Coming up with a synthesis essay is easy. You are expected to research a particular subject matter, and come up with sources that support your argument. The challenge arises in the conversion of the information obtained into your self-made point of view. For instance, you are given ten sources that have conflicting, or varying perceptions about the great depression. You are required to utilize only several sources (if not all) to synthesize your self-written synthesis essay. Your written papers should have a thesis which clearly puts across the point you are trying to make, based on the information collected from the chosen topics. Avoid summarizing the points, but instead, focus on making a point out of them. This is because most of the readers are aware of the contents of the sources and there is no need for repetition. Instead, use the sources as support to arguments that you intend to highlight. Ways of Writing a Captivating Synthesis Essay The following example will help you in understanding the process of coming up this a synthesis essay. Let’s say you are given ten sources, each talking about Superman. Out of the ten, four sources are essays on Christian Bale’s Batman, Adam West’s Batman, Ben Affleck’s Batman, and Michael Keaton’s Batman respectively. Four other articles show a photo of each actor while in their character, Batman. The other two are statistical data in graphs and charts, where one shows the box office returns of the four films with each having Batman as the star, while the other shows the ratings each got according to rotten tomatoes. Additionally, you are given the following prompt: Given that you have an executive position in a major film studio that is mandated to bring back the Batman franchise, synthesize using the sources provided, an essay describing how the studio should handle the Batman character in this latest comeback move. To start off, you should go through the information on each source and let the information sink in and get familiar with it. While at it, refer to the prompt given and make conclusions based on it. What are the reasons the studio should undertake a particular direction to handle Batmans character successfully? By answering such a question, you already have formulated your thesis. After completing your thesis, you are required to construct your outline. It is common knowledge that it should have an introduction and a conclusion. In between these two elements are the main points that support your argument, stated in the introduction under thesis, and re-stated again in conclusion. Support each point put across with sources provided. Synthesis Essay Outline In relation to the superman topic, I will highlight how best you should structure and organize your work to come up with a first-class synthesis essay Introduction The character of Batman has evolved in different forms over the years Each point of evolution has represented a theme popular during that time Adam Wests Batman character represented the campy fun of the 1960s Keaton’s Batman character represented the contrasting world perception of the 1990s Bale’s Batman character represented the realism demand for the 21st-century craving for a new true hero Afflecks Batman character represented the growing popularity of comic books in diverse genres, merges with filmmaking, but still utilizing the grim realism displayed by Bales Batman character. Bringing the character back to life should involve consideration of the target audience, daily realities, and the things the audience want to see in the film. The new Batman character should be both fun and evil, with a blend of intelligence, complexity, and torment. Finding the Right Movie Attitude in First Body Paragraph Each of the different Batman movie appearances has brought about a new phenomenon Evolving the character should apply originality, but still, stick to the true nature of the characters aspects that have not been introduced yet. Wests Batman character is a detective, thus showing originality in the introduction of a new Batman character wearing a cape and embarking on a vigilante crusade. Enjoy the Moments in Second Body Paragraph All appearances of Batman have excited viewers According to the review conducted by rotten tomatoes, the best appearances are based on the fun projected in character for the movie A new evolved Batman character is definitely exciting and enjoyable Be Realistic in Third Body Paragraph Wests Batman character is a tone for fun in watching the movie Keaton’s Batman character displayed a gothic, nightmare-like theme Bale and Affleck had a motive to highlight heroism, realism, and style in the character Ratings of the box office display the superiority in sales and audience point of view making them the biggest winners Evolving of the character adds fun to the content and movie altogether Conclusion Batman has a different character description on screen With the ranging opinions describing the best Batman character, factual evidence signifies the fun in evolving the character, and it should be real and focus on bringing to light a new aspect of the character that has not been developed on screen Topics to Consider for a Synthesis Essay Synthesis essay topics are aligned with reals include: Your thoughts about global warming The effort that needs to be taken to endorse economic development for sustenance Ways to combat terrorism and reduce a back and forth situation over the years What’s your opinion concerning genetically modified foods? Over dependency on digital technology in this evolving generation Normally, the topic or prompt is availed, together with the sources that need to be used. Creating the subject matter from this is therefore easy. However, deep emphasis and focus should be relayed to developing a new thesis that no sources provided has it in their literature, consider reading through your sources and prompt several times, grasp the concept and develop a thesis addressing the provided prompt, and relates to the sources previously provided. A Guide Sample of a Synthesis Essay You are provided with two synthesis essay examples. Each will describe different techniques of approach in handling this type of essay. The first essay utilizes the outline and sources given to come up with the required essay. For the second essay, assume that it is based on three diverse sources: an article by Jones, Book authored by Garrard, and presentation done by Schultz. Assume that each source discusses an aspect related to Hamlets character. In the end, you will realize that the essay synthesizes the perspectives of the three sources into an argument. Batman: The Evolution The character of Batman has evolved over the years, with each manifestation representing a popular element at the time of its conception. Adam Wests Batman character represented the campy fun of the 1960s. Keatons Batman character represented the world perception of the 1990s. Bales Batman character symbolized the realism demand for the 21st-century craving for a new true hero. Afflecks Batman character signified the growing popularity of comic books in diverse genres merges with filmmaking while still utilizing the grim certainties displayed by Bales Batman character. In an effort to revolutionize Batmans character, our studio should take into consideration the current theme endorsed and what the audiences really want. The new Batman character should be both fun and evil, with a blend of intelligence, complexity, and torment. The evidence also displays that each new Batman character represents something different from what was portrayed before. This paper will deliberate how the new Batman character should be depicted on screen, in relevance to the provided sources. Finding the right movie attitude sets the pace required to evolve the Batman character. Each of the different Batman movie appearances has brought about a new spectacle. Evolving the character should apply originality, but still, stick to the true nature of the characters aspects that have not been introduced yet. An essay on Wests Batman shows that the character is a detective, thus showing originality in the introduction of a new Batman character wearing a cape and embarking on a vigilante crusade. Therefore, by bringing about a new character aspect as Batman being a detective will make the audience find the presentation as fascinating and fun to watch. You should, however, keep in mind that the audience prefers fun over-seriousness in cinema as per review by rotten tomatoes. This is the reason why many critics discredit Afflecks Batman character, which they thought that it was too grey and pompous. Our evolved version should endorse fun, but still, avoid the campy aspect of Wests Batman. Keatons Batman character brought equilibrium between comedy and tragedy; thus the character chosen to represent our franchise should have a similar charm about him. This will ensure that the audience receives both thrill and fun as they watch our movie. It is also important to acknowledge that Bales Batman franchise was the most successful up to date. It was the first movie to bring about realism to the character. This can be seen by the response the audience gave out, that illustrated the need for a real hero who will solve their problems and needs in a time where both elements were thriving. While Wests Batman set the tone for fun, and Keatons character depicted a nightmare-like gothic experience, the Batman character brought to display by Bale (and to some extent, Afflecks Batman) signified heroism, realism, and style within the character. Therefore, it is suggested that there is a need to present a realistic Batman character to the audience. In conclusion, Batman has been represented in various forms on the screen. Even though there is a lot of speculation regarding which character is the best, evidence shows that an evolution of the character should be fun, have a realist attitude and focus on aspects of the character that have not been fully developed on screen. All the provided reasons should help our studio to define a Batman character who is a detective but still fun and realistic altogether. This will make the movie a hit and give it promising box office ratings. The mental state of Hamlet: Mad or Just a Hoax? So many suggestions come through when discussing the mental state of Hamlet character in a Shakespeare written book. However, several scenes in the play illustrate that the Hamlet character is just pretending which if he is, he exaggerates it too much (he slays Polonius in a fit of frenzy and later on says that he does not know what he has done). This paper will present arguments on the character of Hamlet, where he does begin by pretending to be crazy to deceive these people who were spying on him. Additionally, as the play progresses, he ultimately loses his mind for a short period and recovers it in the final act. As highlighted by Jones, Hamlet is determined to pretend to be mad so as to dupe his father-in-law. He only divulges to people close to him, and his trick does work. Those that were out of his inner circle could not understand Hamlets actions thus could not make a significant act on him.   Hamlet also displays a reasonable character, proved by the long soliloquies stating that he was an active mind at work which shows no sign of insanity. Garrard illustrated that the act by Hamlet to slay Polonius by lugging his guts away, he depicted a high level of crazy.   His reason is not deceptive, and his soliloquies are not present. Both elements have been replaced by emotional outbursts directed to his mother, suggesting that the prince was on the brink of losing his mind. In the last scenes of the play, he again displays his soliloquies and reaffirms his rationality, as indicated by Schultz. This can be seen when he returned to Denmark after escaping the ship that was leading him to his demise. He then seeks forgiveness from those he had wronged and those he intended to. However, he still ends up hurting them with his actions founded on pure vengeance promoted by a perceived act of justice, rather than madness. With a review of Hamlets character, it is safe to imply that he is sane, then becomes crazy, and reverts back to being sane again, which can be summed up as temporary insanity. This implication gives room for a good argument to be based on both sides and fuses all points into a new sense of direction. This allows the audience to depict Hamlets character as a voyage from reason to madness and back to reason again. Using this aspect to examine Hamlet helps us see hid downfalls and comebacks. In conclusion, you cannot perceive Hamlet and totally sane or insane. His character can be best perceived as a changing factor as the play progresses. From the threatening but lucid man as the start of the play, he develops into a hysterical, infuriated young man in the middle, and reverts back to his normal self as a reasonable person at the end. Summing up A synthesis essay is not hard to write. You just need to find reliable sources or use those given to you, utilize the main points in each, and form a link to bring out a new perspective which synthesizes various points of view to come up with a new argument. The argument created should be supported by the provided sources. The conclusion you come up with should depict how it has undergone a scientific thought process, thus finally completing a concrete synthesis. Following all the required steps and utilizing the provided sources are key to the creation of a well-written synthesis essay.

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