Saturday, March 14, 2020

Gorillas in the mist (video) essays

Gorillas in the mist (video) essays ESSAY: is Dian Fossey a hero or a villain? Dian Fossey was a well-known person that was famous for saving the mountain gorillas in Africa. In my essay, I am going to include who Dian was, what she did and if she got along with the villagers. Was she a hero or a villain? Dian Fossey was an American speech therapist that worked with handy-capped children. Dain attended a conference in America about saving the mountain gorillas in Africa. Dain went to Africa to count the gorillas to see if the population of gorillas were increasing or decreasing. Dian had to leave the mountain because there was a civil war, she continued counting the gorillas after the war finished. She counts half as many gorillas as there was during the last count, which occurred 7 years before. She developed a passion for the gorillas over the weeks that she was counting them and found a technique of getting closer to the gorillas by imitate their movements and sounds. A variety of gorillas tried to protect a baby gorilla from poachers who were going to sell the baby to the zoo. The entire family of gorillas that were protecting the baby were killed. Dian brakes into the van where the baby gorilla was caged. The baby was going to die because it needed its mother. Dian nursed the baby or else she would have passed away because the gorilla frets over her mother. Dian made an agreement with the mayor to nurse the baby for the zoo, for three men to assist her to count the gorillas. Dain nursed the baby gorilla as it improved and then they received the baby gorilla from her and caged her up in the zoo. A year passed and the baby gorilla passed away because the gorilla missed Dian, after talking care of her she thought Dian was her mother. ESSAY: is Dian Fossey a hero or a villain? The poachers came again to slaughter another family for one baby. They sold the fathers hands and feet for ash treys and cut off the head. They also stabb ...

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