Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Siegfried Sassoon´s Poem - 811 Words

Ever wondered the type of poet the war of WWI could make? War has always been deadly, cruel, harsh, and with the introduction of new weapons it was everything a soldier could fear times ten. Among all the chaos and deaths that followed during WWI there was one soldier/war poet, Siegfried Sassoon, who created poems that vividly portrayed his experiences of being a soldier in one of the world’s largest wars. Siegfried Sassoon’s poems gave people back home a clear picture of what was really going on and what conditions the soldiers had to live under during the years that the war lasted. Siegfried lived a life that was greatly affected by war, the deaths of people he cared for, and his strong passion for writing poetry. (Mixture of all sources) Siegfried Sassoon was born on the month of September, the 8th day, and in the year of 1886. At an early age Siegfried lived in Matfield, UK in a mansion that went by the name of â€Å"Weirleigh† along with two other sibling an d his parents. Throughout his life Siegfried lived in a numerous number of places because of unexpected injuries in war, however Siegfried Sassoon passed away at the age of 80 in the year of 1967, the month of September, on the 1st day, in the city of Heytesbury, UK. Siegfried was only 7 days away from his 81st birthday before he passed away from stomach cancer. ( Siegfried was primary named by his mother because of his mom’s love ofShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Erhard Schon s The Vienna Woods And Siegfried Sassoon s Poem Atrocities 893 Words   |  4 Pagessavagery that is inflicted upon both parties during the expansion of Empire: Erhard Schà ¶n’s illustrations that accompany the translated texts of the ‘Turkish Riders with Christian Captives,’ ‘Turkish Atrocities in the Vienna Woods’ and Siegfried Sassoon’s poem ‘Atrocities’. Both pieces ar e a representation of different points of view during two different wars. However, though they may be separated by 500 years, both are easily able to relay the pain that is trust upon common everyday people whoRead MoreSimilarities Between Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon, And Wilfred Owen1531 Words   |  7 Pagesspecifically poetry, changed. Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon, and Wilfred Owen all share one common bond: these men were war poets. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term â€Å"war poet† means â€Å"a poet writing at the time of and on the subject of war, especially one on military service during the First World War.† These poets each had a distinctive outlook on the war, that is depicted in their style of writing, and noticed by readers through reading their poems. The devastating war had negatively shiftedRead MoreAnalysis Of Siegfried Sassoon s The War 1514 Words   |  7 Pages Siegfried Sassoon was an influential man that lead the people to the revelation of the war’s heinous truth. His genius use of literature epitomised the reflection of his critical view of the war. Siegfried Sassoon declares â€Å"I have seen and endured the sufferings of the troops, and I can no longer be a party to prolong these sufferings for ends which I believe to be evil and unjust.† and thus, he begins his personal attack against war through the power of literature. He deprecated his distasteRead MoreWorld War 1 Poetry Essay1681 Words   |  7 PagesFocusing on two World War One poems, explore how the poet expresses their feelings. Dulce et Decorum Est - Wilfred Owen Suicide in the Trenches - Siegfried Sassoon In the poem, Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen we can understand Owens feelings toward the war, in the form of strong sarcasm and empathy. Poems were often used by many people, as a way to vent their feelings, and find a voice. Strong empathy is felt as Owen himself was a soldier in the army and military hero until he got admittedRead MoreWar Experience, By Siegfried Sassoon And The Song Hero Of War By Tim Mcllrath1150 Words   |  5 Pagesevaluated effectively. Two texts that portray such things are the poem, ‘Repression of War Experience’ by Siegfried Sassoon and the song ‘Hero of War’ written by Tim Mcllrath. The values and beliefs of the author are prominent in representations of war. Siegfried Sassoon was a soldier in World War I and many of his poems reflect his personal experiences, as some of his poems have been described as â€Å"harshly realistic laments or satires.† Sassoon suffered from shell-shock and was hospitalized, this is reflectedRead MoreThe Battle Of The War I1244 Words   |  5 PagesThousands of young British men like Siegfried Sassoon went into World War I with this idealism. The bloodshed found there came as a tremendous shock, as the war was unlike the image portrayed; the modern war was different and horrifying. It was during the First World War that literature from these soldiers was developed as a result of the increase in education levels amongst the British soldiers and public in the years leading up to the war . Siegfried Sassoon was one of the most famous British warRead MoreWar Poetry Essay988 Words   |  4 PagesTo what extent does the poetry of w ar dispel the myths associated with the war propaganda of World War I? Throughout the early 1900’s the war propaganda that was published to entice young men to enlist and join the war gave them false ideas about the front line. Young men and boys were told that war was one big adventure and encouraged to go to the great war and become a hero. Young men were fooled into believing that dying for your country was sweet and honourable however three men who fought inRead MoreWilfred Owen s A Soldier For The Allies1707 Words   |  7 Pagesthirty-seven million affected by World War I. Wilfred Owen was a soldier for the allies, an alliance composed of the United States, England, France. He bravely gave his life to attempt to end the war. However, before he died, he wrote a number of poems based on the things he endured while fighting in the war. Wilfred Owen uses his experiences from war, such as a gassing and a surprise attack gone wrong, as inspiration for his poetry; he uses his experiences to illustrate the horrors of war. WilfredRead MorePoems of Siegfried Sassoon2159 Words   |  9 PagesWith the poems of Siegfried Sassoon we are moving from the conventional way of writing in the approach of the issue of war, in what sense First of all his approach is an anti- war approach , he is not encouraging young people to join the war , he speaking of war as being a cause of death. Because he is less conventional; he is less traditional , he is writing poems labeled until now as anti war poems , we find the division of his sentences, rhyme in words, the division of the poem into 2 stanzasRead MorePoem Analysis : Sassoon s Poetry1493 Words   |  6 Pagesextraordinary flowering of poetic talent. The influence of English war poet and soldier, Siegfried Sassoon, extended far beyond his own works. His journey through the conflict of war reflected a wider evolution of the literary world. I find that following the evolution of Sassoon’s poetry throughout his life contributes to the understanding of the reality of the ‘Great War for Civilisation’. Through his poetry, Sassoon exposed war as it really is – destructive, brutalising, and an indefensible waste

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