Monday, October 7, 2019

Discusstion 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discusstion 8 - Essay Example ential risk for an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the public measures that could assist in the identification of the people at risk, plan health programs and implement preventative measures. Essentially, evaluating environmental factors in concern to risks of autism requires a depth analysis of human and animal aspects, exposures, medical procedures and alimentary influences (Autism Response Team, 2014). Many of the studies base on exploring the relations between disclosures and body encumbrance approximations and autistic consequences; however, neurological progress of humans and animals is also a considerable factor. Largely, exposure to environmental chemicals is a common risk for a number of autism spectrum disorders that have adverse effects that cause variations in the growth of the neurological system and other parts of the human body and normal function. Many learning and development incapacities in humans result from environmental agents and chemicals such as pesticides, solvents, mercury, ethers among others; moreover, they have a straight effect on the evolving nerves of the human system leading to autism and other related disorders. All the same, these agents do not solely cause the autism spectrum disorders but combine with other environmental factors; though, these factors have minimal impact. Furthermore, research shows that even while combined, the chemicals alone do not cause the related effects. Genes also act as a major determinant for the environmental chemicals’ effects especially because of their variations; typically, some of the people exposed to these chemicals have an increased risk to autism than others (Rodriguez 2014). Triggers to autism vary with the state of an environment and individual factors such as the genes hence creating ample challenges on utterly establishing the core causes. Identification, reduction and prevention of a risk are usually the basis of almost every medical risk factor research. Assertively, implementation

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