Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lucid Dreams. What are the possible benefits of lucid dreaming? Essays

Introduction Starting from the ancient times human was always interested in strange phenomenon of sleeping and especially in dreams. Dreams were described in different ways. For instance, dreams were explained psychologically like images of sub consciousness and feedback of neural processes in human’s brain. Spiritually, it was described like messages of god (C.S. Lewis, nd). Remarkable that not only human have ability to see dreams but several species of animals (Wilkerson R. 2003). For example, rat’s sleep is almost same as the human’s they have multiple stages of sleep starting from slow wave sleep to REM stage of sleep (Animals have complex dreams, 2001). Another fact is that living beings, including humans, have more REM sleep in younger age (Siegel, 2005). In summary, dreams are well known for strange, amazing and impossible thing to happen in them, but almost all people don’t actually realize that they are sleeping during the dream. To conclude, dream itself co uld be defined as the complexity of images and emotions that occur during certain stages of sleep ("Dream". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2000). It is proved that dreams are linked with rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep which occur every 1.5-2 hours of sleeping and with time progress they become longer. The REM stage usually includes rapid eye movement, heavier breath, increased pulse rate and temporary weakening of muscles (Dream Basics: Understanding Sleep, 2007). It seems that dream can happen not only in REM stages of sleep, but it’s easier to remember a dream by awaking during the REM stage (Dement 1957; Kleitman 1957; Hobson 2009). It is noticed that if the person lives with emotionally rich life and his hormon... .... In addition, every person could use such dreams in practical life not only to gain motivation or overcome social frights by themselves, but also to expand artistic side, and even to develop physically. But, lucid dreams are not so popular, despite the fact that there is plenty of information about what is needed to be done to get ability of viewing lucid dreams, it means that advertisement is needed, so almost everyone will know about that in order to not miss a chance to touch with something that sounds such fantastic. Nevertheless, certain precautionary measures to prevent lucid dream addiction. Moreover, more reliable and affordable devices should be invented, because not everyone has needed amount of time to develop skill of lucid dream. Thus, based on the conclusion, lucid dreams have a great potential, and could give humanity plenty of positive benefits.

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