Sunday, December 29, 2019

Poor National Integration in Pakistan, Causes , Effects ,...

Poor National Integration In Pakistan, Causes ,Effects ,Remedies. There is a crisis of national integration in Pakistan since its birth. It is the victim of poor national integration. Lack of integration in Pakistan is fundamental problem and it has been subjected to comment by intellectuals in the country. This has been hitting the head lines of the newspaper. Due to lack of national integration in the country, Pakistan has been pushed to a vicious circle. It has made Pakistan a sorry state of affairs, and a pivot of terrorists activities. That has deepened the state of instability and vulnerability to a total break down of state apparatus. This was not the case at first. This nation was the consequence of unity and integrity and its†¦show more content†¦Top of all, the EAST PAKISTAN had seceded from this Pakistan during the military government. Therefore, the concept of military regime became worse in the nation. The military government could not provide common bond of national integration between the farmer and the now Pakistan. In this wise, lack of judicial freedom had been allowed the military rule wholeheartedly. Various particular decisions had been done out of parliament. Bygone parliament reduced to only rubber stamp. It justified the military regime on the doctrine of necessity. On the sequel, law of jungle was prevailed. All of that has been inherited. Therefore, the word national integration has been thrown out of national dictionary. Furthermore, political instability has widened the gulf between the ruler and the ruled in Pakistan. It has confused the picture of Pakistan and made it retrogressive in all spheres. Political instability has challenged the national unity in the country. To conclude, water dispute has all along existed between the provinces. It has given a great bite and played a deuce with national integration. The provinces` pound objection on the construction of KALABAGH DAM has detracted the confidence to unity of the country. Moreover, the allegation of Sindh on Punjab for not abiding 1991 water accord has merely added a hurdle in the way of national integration. Similarly, dispute of NFC AWARD between inter provinces has givenShow MoreRelatedChild Labour in Pakistan8012 Words   |  33 PagesILO-IPEC Memorandum of Understanding on June 21,1994. ILO-IPEC Action Plan in Pakistan formalized activities against child labour and a concerted and coordinated effort by Governmental Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Trade Unions, employers bodies and other organizations was initiated. Ground breaking work by ILO-IPEC in developing the strategies and models had an awareness and demonstration effect. 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