Saturday, December 21, 2019

Women s Rights Since The 1920s - 1343 Words

Women have been trying to assert their rights since the 1920s. Waging a war with men and society to not be dominant but to be equal. They wanted to have an equal wage and equal power. Feminisms was and still is a very real cause but the meaning of the word gets confused. It is for women to be treated like men are. It isn’t to get rid of men or become more dominant than men. It is a feared word but in the 70s women tried to achieve this idea of equality as they still do today. Annie Lennox, a songwriter and a philanthropist, once said, â€Å"We all fight over what the label feminism means but for me it s about empowerment. It s not about being more powerful than men - it s about having equal rights with protection, support, and justice. It s about very basic things. It s not a badge like a fashion item.† Fashion can reflect an era but what does that have to do with feminism? Many women used their fashion sense to prove a point that they were equal to men or that they wanted to break free of societies conforms. In the 70s women dressed and acted a certain way to show their feminist views in terms of the government and how they felt they should be able to live their life. Fashion in the 1970s was a big deal even though it has always been a big deal. Edith head said, â€Å"Fashion is a language. Some know it, some learn it, some never will - like an instinct†. People express them selves with music, movies, and clothes. There were many different styles that you could sayShow MoreRelatedFlappers Essay931 Words   |  4 PagesThe 1920s was a very special time for woman. Women started standing for up for themselves and making points to men that women can do just the same as them, and that women should be equal to men and have the same rights. That’s where flappers came from. Flappers were basically woman who stood out and did what they wanted. 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